Implementation of Ad hoc Zone: The Ad hoc Zone of Meghadoot is yet to be implemented. The motivation for an ad hoc zone has been explained in Section 1.3.
QoS (Quality of Service): QoS extensions can be provided in Meghadoot in order to provide service guarantees to users.
Automatic Address Assignment: Instead of statically assigning an IP address to an MN, a dynamic IP address (unique) can be assigned by the IN while registration. This will enable an MN to change its IP address when it moves over to a new CZ (provided it doesn't have any open connections), thereby reducing the overhead incurred by tunneling.
Higher Level Services: Higher level services such as Authentication and Paging can be provided.
Broadcast and Multicast: Broadcast and Multicast routing can be implemented.
Power Saving: It is very likely that the an MN is running on a battery. Hence, in order to save power, the mobile node can go to a sleep state, wherein it does not perform packet forwarding. The IN can be informed before it goes into a sleep state. In case a node wants to communicate with a sleeping MN, the IN can wake up the MN by sending a special control packet.