Inspired by Kalidasa's lyrical poem of the same name. megh meaning cloud and doot meaning messenger.
... network2.1
Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) protocol is used.
... agent2.2
As the MN does not change its IP Address, all packets destined to it reach its Home Agent.
... protocol3.1
The Ad hoc Zone has not been implemented and is not discussed henceforth. The emphasis of this project was on providing Internet access and mobility to all nodes.
Note that an MN might decide to switch an IN if it gets a better one.
In the Meghadoot architecture, the IN with which an MN first registers becomes its HA.
... hop3.4
In a source route, the IP address which is next to the current node's IP address is referred to as next hop.
... tables4.1
This can happen only at an IN.
... stage4.2
Note that not all of these actions are performed at all the nodes. Although the code is common for both an MN and an IN, there is a global variable indicating if the current node is an MN or an IN. Packet handling is different depending on whether the node is an MN or an IN.
... time4.2
Kernel Timers are used to achieve this. Refer [7] for more details on Kernel Timers.
... list4.3
This list data structure is already present in the Linux Kernel.